Sunday 25 November 2012


I was strongly encouraged last year by a colleague to get a Delicious account. I tried it, but after one day of using it, stopped. I went back to it today for this portion of our assignments, and realized why. I am a visual learner. I find delicious rather boring to search through. That being said, I did give it another try. I started by searching Adrienne Gear and only got one hit, within Delicious. I find that quite shocking, so I changed my search parameters to Education, Library and got 15666 results. I looked at the first ten and saved my top five results. You can check out those results at:

I still don't like delicious for is lack of visual appeal, I use pinterest regularly. I find it easier to navigate. I have been generating a Library Links page with Pinterest for quite some time. If you would like to check out those links please visit:

I must say that using a library catalog is far less tedious than the internet on most occasions. The consistent and standard form of subject headings make searches far less frustrating. When searching the web, there are endless options and results that will pop up, especially with the popularity of Google. I appreciate the standard format used with in the library world. Consistency is vital and allows for optimal results.

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