Sunday, 8 April 2012

Lesson 8 - Indexes, Abstracts and Databases

Our school district has a district resource centre that manages our database and catalogs all our resources. Most of our school e-resources and databases are purchased through the DRC, and are available district wide. Each school has access but purchases do not come out of their individual budgets.

The website is accessible by teachers, students, parents, from school or in the home. To access the website, simply go to The tool bar on the left will guide you to the catalog, or other e-resources. School District No. 57 uses Sirsi-Dynix: Symphony as their cataloging system. Riedling notes, "Electronic formats have numerous advantages, such as rapid search of a number of indexes, the ability to move from citation to abstract to full text, and the availability of more points of access through keywords in the title, text, or a specific periodical" (2005, 87). Though Sirsi-Dynix does not use abstracts, it does allow the user to access the different resources through several different search format, as well as displaying using title, author or publisher. It also allows the user to search from the school you are associated with, as well as the rest of the district's resources.


Riedling, A. (2005). Reference Skills for the School Library Media Specialist: 
     Tools and tips (2nd ed.). Worthington, OH: Linworth.

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