I want to take this time to explain where my blog is going from here. So far in my 467 class, each week we have been given a new topic to reflect on. My notebook is full of sticky notes regarding my reflections and learnings on each topic. I can honestly say, this term I have been slower at reading through all my classmates posts, and have been having trouble keeping on top of everything, but today I am taking the time to blog my reflections, and take my 'Post-Its' and post them to my blog.
Each post will have a heading about the weeks topic, and should discuss what I knew before the lesson, what I learned from the readings, my classmates, and myself, as well as what I am still wondering about. You will notice I often end with questions, because I am still learning and openly admit to not having all the answers.
Always best to be honest with yourself - I always try to admit that I don't have the answer.