Sunday, 16 September 2012

Reflections - LIBE 465

I have used this blog in a previous class to post my reflections regarding learning, and thought it would be fitting to continue to use my Library Lynx to do the same with LIBE 465. Over the past year I have completed six out of ten University Library courses. I will be completing my diploma in April 2013. I have learned through other classes, and my practical experiences, the importance of reflection. Without reflection teachers and teacher librarians have no way of looking forward and back to determine what should be changed in their practice or what should remain the same.

I try to reflect daily on three things: What went well? What could I have improved on? What should be changed for next time? Through self-evaluation, I can take the time to move on if something did not work out, and not fixate on the problem. Reflection has given me a chance to improve myself and my ability to move past self doubt and focus on self success and the success of my students, staff, and parents.